The Department of Astronomy offers over fifteen courses on various aspects of astronomy. The 1000-2000 level courses are aimed towards students interested in learning a general view of astronomy as a whole but not necessarily interested in majoring in it. These courses can be taken to fulfill some of the General Education requirements by the College of Liberal Arts.
The 3000-4000 level courses are aimed towards students majoring and minoring in astronomy, as well as other physical sciences such as physics, geology, mathematics, or engineering. Each upper-level course focuses on a specific field within astronomy and astrophysics. All of these have prerequisites; see the course descriptions in the Undergraduate Catalog (opens in new tab) for more information. Non-astronomy students interested in taking these upper level courses should talk to the astronomy undergraduate advisor for approval.
- AST 1002 – Discovering the Universe (P)
- AST 1022L – Astronomy Laboratory (P)
- AST 2000 – Cosmology
- AST 2003 – Introduction to the Solar System (P)
- AST 2037 – Life in the Universe (P)
- AST 2730 – Introduction to Python for Physical Sciences
- AST 3018 – Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 (P)
- AST 3019 – Astronomy and Astrophysics 2 (P)
- AST 3043 – History of Astronomy up to Newton (P or H, and N)
- AST 3722C – Observational Techniques in Astronomy 1
- AST 4723C – Observational Techniques in Astronomy 2
- AST 4211 – Essentials of Astrophysics
- AST 4300 – Galactic Astronomy
- AST 4402 – Galaxies and Cosmology
- AST 4905 – Individual Work
- AST 4911 – Undergraduate Research in Astronomy (individual)
- AST 4930 – Special Topics in Astronomy
- Astrobiology
- Computational Techniques
- Exoplanets
- Machine Learning
- Neutron Stars and Black Holes
- Python Programming for Astrophysics
- Star and Planet Formation
- PHZ 3152 Advanced Computational Techniques
- QUEST courses:
- Are we alone? Searching for ET Life
- Knowledge and the Universe
- Nature of Time
- Stars and the Nuclear Arms Race
- The Art and Science of Astrophotography
The majority of the 4000 level courses are offered on a two-year cycle (i.e. once per two years).