Here, you will find a series of frequently asked questions. If you have further questions, or need elaboration, please contact Undergraduate Coordinator [UGC] via email.
- How do I add a double major?
Please read the requirements here (opens in new tab), and then bring the relevant forms to your undergraduate coordinator. In short, you’ll need to go to CLAS Academic Advising where you can obtain a double major form. On the form, you’ll show your proposed schedule for a path to graduation that you’ll need to get signed by the UGCs in both departments. - Can I double major in Physics and Astrophysics?
Yes, but you’ll need to complete 15 credits within each major that are exclusive to each major. There are more restrictions here (opens in new tab). - How do I graduate with University Honors?
We highly encourage our undergraduates to go for honors! The university requirements may be found here (opens in new tab). - How do I graduate with departmental Honors?
The guidelines and requirements are described in full here.