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Extragalactic & Cosmology

The University of Florida has several Extragalactic & Cosmology research groups.  Access to the GTC, space-based small satellites, NASA’s great observatories (e.g., HST), the Dark Energy Survey Instrument,  and a number of additional collaborative facilities allows for research to be carried out across a wide range of subjects including the origins and impact of active galactic nuclei, (proto-)galaxy cluster detection and assembly, galaxy formation and evolution, dark matter detection and characterization, dark energy, the CMB, and more.  Additionally, UF hosts a strong set of researchers working in Extragalactic & Cosmology theory and simulation focused on cosmological simulations, the impact of stellar and AGN feedback on galaxy growth, star formation, and cosmology.  Our theory groups rely in part on the HiPerGator supercomputer and the UF Informatics Institute.  Additionally, UF hosts a large group of LIGO researchers including members of the Astronomy Department who have been involved with initial LIGO detections and EM followup.

Faculty Research