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Department Computing

What we do and when we do it

We provide computer desktop support for the Department of Astronomy at the University of Florida. We will help spec out new computer purchases and order them for you. We will help install, configure, and maintain new computers and software packages for you.  If you have computer related needs, we are the people you want to contact.

Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 8:00AM to 4:00PM, excluding holidays. We can be reached via email requests sent to admin at

The Folks

Matt Glover joined the department in 2008 and does server administration, and workstation software configuration. He also likes a nice cup of coffee. Matt can be reached at extension 4-1884.

Jay Chidirala joined the department in 2024 as an End User Computing Specialist to handle front line computer support requests.  He can be reached at extension 4-1836.



Research Computing

The University of Florida provides researchers across many fields with access to HiPerGator, the university supercomputer.  HiPerGator undergoes regular upgrades to ensure it remains a competitive computational resource.  For details about the current machine including machine architecture, purchase pricing, and services offered please see the Research Computing website (opens in new tab).

The Astronomy Department is one of the largest users of HiPerGator with UF faculty having access to >10,000 CPUs and >1PB of disk storage.  UF Astronomers run massive computational simulations and analyze data from HST, ALMA, VLA, GTC, and many other world class telescopes on HiPerGator.  Student and postdocs who join UF also obtain access to HiPerGator through faculty allocations and shared department resources.