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Graduate Program Alumni

NameDissertationAdvisorLast Known Position
Garg, Prerak (2023)Desika Narayanan
Lower, Sidney (2023)Desika Narayanan
Qi, Jia (Alex) (2023)Paul Torrey
Jeram, Sarik (2022)Steve Eikenberry
Gilda, Sankalp (2021)Uncertainty Quantification, Knowledge Transfer, and Model Interpretability in Astronomy: A Machine Learning-Based PerspectiveDesika NarayananFermata Energy
Gottlieb, Amy (2021)Infrared Studies of X-ray Binaries in the Galactic CenterSteve EikenberryPostdoc, U. Maryland based at NASA GSFC
Li, Qi (2021)The Formation and Evolution of Cosmic DustDesika NarayananPostdoctoral Fellow at MPA
Dong, Chenxing (2021)Anthony Gonzalez
Kimock, Benjamin (2020)Lyman-Alpha Blobs in Cosmological SimulationsDesika NarayananRedjack LLC
Zhao, Yinan (2020)Development of Algorithms for Detecting Weak Signals in Radial Velocity Data and Quasar SpectraJian GeUniversity of Geneva
Townsend, Amanda (2020)Big Science with Small Telescopes: Novel Optical Instrumentation and Compact Object ObservationsSteve EikenberrySOFIA-EXES postdoc at UC Davis
Moravec, Emily A (2019)Radio Galaxies in Massive Galaxy Clusters at z~1Anthony GonzalezPostdoctoral Researcher at the Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
Pitts, Rebecca L (2019)On Dust, Carbon Monoxide, and Molecular Hydrogen in the Census of High and Medium-Mass ProtostarsPeter BarnesPostdoc at the Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Grieves, Nolan (2019)Characterizing Fundamental Properties of Stars and Investigating their Brown Dwarf and Planet CompanionsJian GePostdoc at the University of Geneva
Dallilar, Yigit (2019)Infrared Instrumentation and Jet Formation in Black Hole BinariesStephen EikenberryPostdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE)
Garner, Alan
Summer 2018
Probing The Galactic Center With CIRCEStephen EikenberryPostdoc, MIT
Zhang, Han
Summer 2018
Mid_Infrared Polarimetry: Insights Into Magnetic Fields And Dust Grain Properties In Young Stellar Objects And Protoplanetary DisksCharles Telesco
Chanchaiworawit, Krittapas
Summer 2018
Discovery Of The Highest Redshift Protocluster: Lyman Alpha Emitters At z=6.5Rafael GuzmanPostdoc, University of Florida
Chen, Chen
Summer 2018
Frederick Hamann
Mo, Wenli
Summer 2018
Active Galactic Nuclei In Massive And Distant Galaxy ClustersAnthony GonzalezData Scientist, Whisker Labs
Sithajan, Sirinrat
Spring 2018
Jian GeAstronomer, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
Suwnnajak, Chutipong
Spring 2018
Stellar Populations In The Dynamically-Active M81 Group Of GalaxiesAta SarajediniAstronomer, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
Wanggi Lim (2017)SOFIA Instrument Scientist
Hu, Xiao
Summer 2017
Inside-Out Planet Formation: Pebble Delivery And Planet-Disk Co-EvolutionJonathan TanPostdoc, University of Virginia
Herbst, Hannah
Summer 2017
Dust-Reddened Quasars And Quasar OutflowsFrederick Hamann
Stelter, Deno
Summer 2017
Science-Driven Instrumentation: Image-Slicing Integral Field Spectroscopy, Or, Measuring The Universe One Slice At A Time Stephen EikenberryPostdoc, UC Santa Cruz
DeMaio, Tahlia
Summer 2017
Intracluster Light In Galaxy Groups And ClustersAnthony GonzalezData Scientist, Second Measure
Romita, Krista
Summer 2017
Embedded Clusters In The Large Magellanic CloudElizabeth LadaAssociate Physical Scientist, RAND Corporation
Lim, Wang Gi
Summer 2017
Jonathan Tan
Ma, Jingzhe
Summer 2017
The Formation and Evolution of High-redshift Dusty GalaxiesAnthony Gonzalez,
Jian Ge
Postdoc, UC Irvine
Ordonez, Antonio
Spring 2017
Pulsating Variable Stars In Local Group Dwarf GalaxiesAta Sarajedini
Tanakul, Nahathai
Spring 2017
RR Lyrae Variable Stars In M31-M33 Super-HaloAta SarajediniAstronomer, National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand
Wagner-Kaiser, Rachel
Fall 2016
Bayesian Analysis And Characterization Of Multiple Populations In Galactic Globular ClustersAta SarajediniData Scientist, KPMG
Kong, Shuo
Summer 2016
The Brightest from the Darkest: Deuterium Astrochemistry and the Onset of Massive Star and Star Cluster Formation in Infrared Dark CloudsJonathan TanPostdoc, Yale University
Thomas, Neil B, Jr
Summer 2015
Effect of Metallicity on Giant Planet and Brown Dwarf FormationJian GeAssistant Professor & Director of Operations within the Department of Astronautical Engineering, US Airforce
Ma, Bo
Summer 2015
A Statistical Study of Binaries, Brown Dwarfs and Giant Planets from MARVELS Survey Jian GePostdoc, University of Florida
Martines Manso, Jesus
Spring 2014
The Connection between Galaxies and Dark Matter in the Young UniverseAnthony GonzalezData Scientist, Capital One
Li, Dan,/a>
Fall 2013
High-Angular Resolution Mid-Infrared Study of Disks and Environments of Young StarsCharles TelescoPostdoc, Penn State University
Ybarra, Jason E
Summer 2013
Tracing star formation in the Rosette Molecular CloudElizabeth LadaAssistant Professor, Bridgewater College
Butler, Michael J
Summer 2013
Probing The Initial Conditions of Massive Star and Star Cluster Formation: A Combined Approach of Mid-Infrared Extinction Mapping and Numerical SimulationJonathan TanPostdoc, Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Zurich
Zhang, Yichen
Spring 2013
Massive Star Formation: Theory and ObservationJonathan TanPostdoc Researcher, Riken Star and Planet Formation Laboratory
Lopez Rodriguez, Enrique
Spring 2013
A Total and Polarized Infrared Flux View of the Agn Clumpy TorusChristopher PackhamVisiting Postdoc Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
Mancone, Conor Lamb
Fall 2012
The Formation of Cluster GalaxiesAnthony GonzalezChief Technical Officer, DXWeb
Guo, Pengcheng
Fall 2012
Orbital Characterization of Multi-Object Exoplanetary Systems with Radial Velocity ObservationEric FordFounder & Chief Product Officer, Cloudsscape Info Tech
Wang, Ji
Summer 2012
Toward Massive Detection of Planets around M Dwarfs Using the Radial Velocity TechniqueJian GePostdoc Associate, Caltech
Lasso Caberra, Nestor Miguel
Summer 2012
High Speed Flickering & Jet Formation in GRS 1915+105Stephen EikenberryElectrical Engineer, Centro de Estudios Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon
Colon, Knicole Dawn
Summer 2012
Characterizing Extrasolar Planets with Multi-Color PhotometryEric FordResearch Support Scientist, Kepler/K2 Guest Observer Office, NASA Ames
San Roman Aberasturi, Izaskun
Spring 2012
The Formation and Evolution of M33 as Revealed by its Star ClustersAta SarajediniPostdoc Researcher, Centro de Estudios Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon
Capellupo, Daniel M
Summer 2012
Properties of Quasar Broad Absorption Line OutflowsFrederick HamannPostdoc, McGill University
Dewitt, Curtis Noel
Spring 2012
Stephen EikenberryPostdoc, NASA Ames Research Center
Fleming, Scott
Summer 2011
Desert Dwellers and Dynamic Duos: Short-Period Brown Dwarf Companions and Binary Science with Exoplanet SurveysJian GeData Archival Scientist, STScI
Keremedjiev, Mark
Spring 2011
Achieving Diffraction-Limited Angular Resolutions in the Optical Through Speckle StabilizationStephen EikenberryScientist, Federal Government
Chung, Sun Mi
Spring 2011
A Multi-wavelength View of Star Formation in Galaxy ClustersAnthony GonzalezPrincipal Data Scientist, AOL Platforms
Hernandez, Audra
Spring 2011
Jonathan TanAssistant Research Scientist and UW-Madison Astrophysics REU Director, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cohen, Roger Evan
Spring 2011
Ata SarajediniPostdoc, Universidad de Concepcion
Yang, Soung-Chul
Spring 2011
RR Lyrae Variables in the Andrommeda Group GalaxiesAta SarajediniResearcher, Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute (KASI)
Simon, Leah
Spring 2011
Frederick HamannAssitant Professor of Physics, Chair of the Physics Department, Ripon College
Espy, Ashley Jeanne
Spring 2010
The Dynamics of Asteroidal Dust and Structure of the Zodiacal CloudStanley DermottAssitant Professor of Astronomy, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Ferreira, Bruno R
Spring 2010
Shapes of Stellar Birth: A Statistical analysis of the internal structure of young embedded clustersElizabeth LadaAdjunct Faculty, Rasmussen College
Charcos Llorens, Miguel Vincente
Fall 2009
Spectropolarimetry of the jets of SS433Stephen EikenberryICT Country Manager for Greece, Disaster Tech Lab
Pérez Gallego, Jorge
Spring 2009
Three Dimensional Kinematics of Local Luminous Compact Blue GalaxiesRafael GuzmanDesigner & Educator, Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science
Rodriquez-Hidalgo, Paola
Spring 2009
Location and origin of dust in circumstellar debris disks: A mid-infrared imaging studyCharles TelescoAssistant Professor, Humboldt State University
Crepp, Justin R
Summer 2008
High-Contrast Imaging with a Band-limited Coronagraphic MaskJian GeAssitant Professor, Notre Dame University
Edwards, Michelle Lynn
Summer 2008
The Canarias InfraRed Camera Experiment (CIRCE) and the Search for and Study of Massive StarsStephen Eikenberry & Reba BandyopadhyayInstrument Support Scientist, Large Binocular Telescope Observatory
Mikles, Valerie J
Summer 2008
X-ray and infrared spectral and timing observations of galactic interacting binary stars and associated relativistic jetsStephen EikenberryContractor, NOAA Center for Satellite Applications and Research
Matkovic, Ana
Spring 2008
Internal kinematics and stellar populations of dwarf early-type galaxies in the Coma clusterRafael GuzmanLecturer, Penn State University

Ph.D. Astronomy Recipients

Masters Astronomy Recipients