MIRADAS | Instrument Consortium | Science Partners | Technology | MIRADAS Heritage | Team
The MIRADAS science team — comprised of more than 40 scientists from 9 institutions within the GTC community — has identified four key science cases for MIRADAS which form the “Design Reference Cases” for MIRADAS — the scientific performance capabilities which provide the fundamental requirements drivers for the instrument. These key cases include:
- Massive Stars in the Milky Way
- Chemo-Dynamics of the Inner Milky Way
- Building Blocks of Galaxy Evolution at Intermediate Redshift
- Infrared Spectro-Polarimetry: New Windows on Stellar Astrophysics
In addition to the Design Reference Cases, the MIRADAS Science Team have also identified many additional science cases which will make excellent scientific use of the MIRADAS capabilities determined by the Design Reference Case drivers, ranging from stellar magnetic fields to “Galactic archeology” of the Milky to compact objects and relativistic jets.
The membership of the MIRADAS SWG is drawn from the following institutions within the GTC community:
- Universidad de Barcelona (UB)
- Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
- University of Florida (UF)
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC)
- Instituto Astrofisico de Andalucia (IAA)
- Center for Astro-Biology (CAB)
- Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA)
- Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
- Instituto Nacional de Astronomia, Optica, y Electronica de Mexico (INAOE)
- Universidad de Alicante
Photo Credits:
Lynette CCredit: Gemini Observatory, artwork by ook