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Desika Narayanan, PhD

Associate Professor

Contact Information

Office: 216 Bryant Space Science Center


I am currently an Associate Professor in Astronomy at the University of Florida. I began my career as an undergraduate at UF, with a B.S. in Astronomy (highest honors), and B.S. in Physics (high honors) in 2003. I did my PhD at the University of Arizona (2007), working with Prof. Chris Walker. I did a CfA fellowship at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (postdoc; 2007-2010), and was the Bok Fellow at the University of Arizona (postdoc; 2010-2013). I was then an Assistant Professor at Haverford College (2014-2017) prior to arriving at UF.

  • Ph.D, Astrophysics, University of Arizona, 2007


My research focuses on theoretical models primarily related to cosmological galaxy evolution, star formation, and the interstellar medium (ISM). I principally develop and utilize large scale numerical simulations to simulate the interplay between small scale star formation, ISM physics, and global galaxy evolution. This involves studying galaxies from the stand point of their star formation/ISM properties ranging from the Milky Way through galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization.

Areas of Expertise
  • Theoretical Astrophysics
  • Cosmological Galaxy Formation
  • Physics of the Interstellar Medium
  • Star Formation & Large-Scale Star Formation