Contact Information
I began my career as an undergraduate at Rice University, with a B.S. in Astrophysics, in 2007. I did my PhD at the University of Colorado (2013), working with Prof. John Bally. I was a European Southern Observatory (ESO) fellow in Garching, Germany (postdoc; 2013-2016) then a Jansky fellow at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) in Socorro, New Mexico (postdoc; 2016-2019) before coming to UF.
- Ph.D, Astrophysics, University of Colorado, 2013
- M.S., Astrophysics, University of Colorado, 2009
- B.S., Astrophysics, Rice University, 2007
I study the formation of the most massive stars and how their formation process affects their neighbors, with the aim of understanding what physical processes control the stellar initial mass function. I use primarily radio and millimeter telescopes to measure the molecular interstellar medium, which is the gas phase from which stars form. Turbulence and chemistry are the two most important and least understood processes that affect both how the stars form and how we detect their birth environments, so my research includes these fields by necessity. I am also interested in the maintenance and development of new tools to facilitate observational astronomy and comparison between simulations and observations.
Areas of Expertise
- High-mass Star Formation
- Radio and millimeter astronomy
- Molecular Interstellar Medium (ISM)
- Turbulence in the ISM
- Astrochemistry
- Astronomical Software Development