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Class Schedule

Fall 2022

Undergraduate Courses

Course NumberCourse NameSyllabi & Instructors
IDS 2935Quest 2: Are We Alone? Searching for ET LifeDr. Naibi Marinas
IDS 2935Quest 2: Knowledge and the UniverseDr. Paul Torrey
IDS 2935Quest 2: On the nature of time & being: an astrophysics-informed approach to the big questions.Dr. Zachary Slepian
AST 1002Discover the UniverseDr. Elizabeth Lada (Class # 11705)
AST 1022LAstronomy LaboratoryJustin Perea
11707, 11733

Corin Marasco
0466, 0470
AST 2037Life in the UniverseDr. Paul Sell
AST 2730Intro to Python for Physical SciencesDr. Jaehan Bae
AST 3018Astronomy/Astrophysics-IDr. Naibi Marinas

AST 3018 HonorsAstronomy/Astrophysics-I HonorsDr. Naibi Marinas

AST 3043History of Astronomy Through Newton Dr. Naibi Marinas

AST 4723Observational Techniques 2Dr. Adam Ginsburg
AST 4930Special Topics: Neutron Stars & Black HolesDr. Paul Sell

Graduate Courses

Course Number Course NameSyllabi & Instructors
AST 6215Stars and the GalaxyDr. Rana Ezzeddine
AST 6725CFundamentals of Observational AstronomyDr. Jason Dittmann
AST 7939Special Topics: AstrobiologyDr. Charles Telesco