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Class Schedule

Fall 2024

Undergraduate Courses [ registrar listing ]

Course NumberCourse NameSyllabi & Instructors
AST1002Discovering the UniverseProf. Marinas
Prof. Gonzalez
AST1022LAstronomy LaboratoryMichael Bess
Section 0466
Section 0470

Wren Heiligenstein
Section 11495
Section 11521
AST2003Introduction to the Solar SystemProf. Ballard
AST2037Life in the UniverseProf. Bae
AST3018Astronomy and Astrophysics 1Prof. Marinas
AST3019Astronomy and Astrophysics 2Prof. Narayanan
AST4723CTechniques of Observational Astronomy 2Prof. Ginsburg
AST4911Undergraduate Research in Astronomy
AST4930Special Topics: Neutron Stars and Black HolesProf. Sell
IDS2935Quest 2: The Art and Science of AstrophotographyNoah Rashkind & Dr. Elizabeth Lada
IDS2935Quest 2: Are We Alone? Searching for ET LifeProf. Marinas
IDS 2935Quest 2: Knowledge and the UniverseProf. Sell

Graduate Courses [ registrar listing ]

Course Number Course NameSyllabi & Instructors
AST6215Stars and the GalaxyProf. Tayar
AST6725CFundamentals of Observational AstronomyProf. Dittmann
AST6905Individual Work
AST7939Special Topics: AstrobiologyProf. Telesco
AST7979Advanced Research
AST7980Research for Doctoral Dissertation